Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Project Demo, Reading a file

I'll scrap the interface bits out for now. The class holding the layers already holds the information I was trying to model with them, so it may have been redundant to try and store it as well inside each object. Instead I'll see what I need to get a file on request.

For starters, I need to configure the resource directories. For now, I'll store the "resource/model" directory in a std::string. I'll do the assignment in an initialization method. Then when asking for a given model, I only need to ask for the file name and it'll know where to look for it.

Reading a file is going to generally return a 'resource' of some kind. In this case a list of vertices that makes up the model. I'll store them in a vector. So for now, the ReadModel method will read a file and return a pointer to a vertices resource, which holds a vector of Vertex structs. Vertex contains 3 floats for coordinates, 3 for normal direction, and 2 for texture coordinates.

I'll use the c++ fstream libraries to handle the files, rather than Cs FILE. In the 'read' method, I'll create a ifstream object, and a string to build the full path. I'll then open the file (in read-only mode) and read the test 'triangle.tvl' file.

We now have a method for reading TVL files. Normally we'd need the model information when we created an Entity. The entity manager should know what kind of model each entity uses. When loading the entity, it should ask the model manager if the model is loaded.

This raises the question of how to refer to each model. This is something I'm not going to be happy with for a long time, so for now I'll use a number to refer to them. So our triangle will have the model id 0. Of course, now we need some way to store our entities as well. Which means another custom file format. And so is the TE (Text Entity) format born. For now, all it will have is the model id.

We quickly add another method in the application layer to read TE files and return Entities. We then add an int field to the Entity class and call it idModel, which is the single value to be read from the file. We also add a method to load the value into the field.

Ok, so now we can read the files, and the application layer returns pointers to the created objects. We need to add code to get the program to call those methods, though. We're trying to avoid building a whole program though. For the purposes of this demo, for example, the engine layer might as well not be there. We start with what would be the normal entry point of the program, the main function. There, we create a Game object. Once that is done, we should get the program going. We can call an 'Execute' method in game, which get the game going.

As soon as the game starts (within this execution method) we have to set the different layers up so they can be ready to work. For example, we have to set the resource paths we use in the Application Layer to read files. Eventually we'll have a configurable 'config.ini' type file that contains much of that information, but for now we'll just hard code the values in an initialization method for each layer.

So main calls game.execute, execute calls the application layer's initialization (the only one that needs to e initialized so far) and then.... Well, we could do a quick loop to simulate the normal running of the game. We load the first entity with a load entity function in the entity manager.... No. We try to get an entity. That would emulate what a method in the engine layer might try to do. So we ask for an entity... hmm. How do I ask for an entity? An entity id? But entities come and go. Normally the rendering engine just ask for a list of all entities that ned to be drawn. Well, entities do need to be 'created'. When the game starts it would create at the very least an entity to represent the player character. So we start with a 'create entity' method.

Hmm. Ok, so there could be a 'load resources' method in the resource layer as a way to initialize the bare necessities. This function would call a load function for each manager, or in the case of the entity, a create method. Ah, here we run into the problem with linking things together I scrapped before. The entity manager has a filename it wants to load, but the logic is over in the application layer.

Ok, at least I have a different perspective to assail this problem now. I want to have a good solution for this, since so much of the design depends on it.

And now I'm stuck again, thanks to the joys of the proper order for including files. I may have found a way around this, though.

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