Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Framework testing, reconsidered

It's usually easy to recognize bad code. It's big, clunky, ugly, and you hate writing it. It can get the job done, for certain values of 'the job' and 'done', but it isn't pleasant for anyone.

I had been struggling with part of my design, no matter how I looked at it I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to. Not without creating a mess of code that was painful to look at. I've finally figured out that the problem was my design.

I had started well enough, separating tasks and delegating responsability. However, I went a bit too far down that path, to the point that I was hoping for classes at the bottom of the ladder to do too much. The class that handles the Entities, for example, should not be in charge of getting the entities' models loaded. In short, I was trying to make my classes too smart, and in trying to give them the freedom to act they had to learn about parts of the program that were beyond their scope.

So going forward, I'm going to be taking another look at how I am trying to handle this. The only 'upwards' communication the classes will have is answering queries by the holding object. No trying to start other jobs, just getting the specific function requested done, possibly returning a value as appropriate.

More tomorrow, when I start rambling on about what I'm trying to do again.

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