Thursday, October 28, 2010

Project 1 - Building a solar system, part 2

Last time we'd created a bunch of objects. It would be nice to be able to draw them, or something like them. OpenGL already has a coordinate system running. The sun dominates our solar system, meaning everything revolves around it, and so we'll put the sun at the origin.

For this part of the project, we won't give each planet the right proportions and distance from the sun. For one thing, if we did, we wouldn't be able to see most of the stuff with a quick glance. So we'll make the sun 10 units in radius, planets 5, and moons 1. The orbit of each planet will be 20 units from the previous one, while the moons orbit 2 units from each other.

First, we'll draw the planets on a line, make sure everything works. While OpenGL's coordinate system is a good thing to have, it is also somewhat strange to deal with. We won't be drawing everything where it goes. Rather, we move around the world and draw where we are standing. This requires a lot of pushing and popping matrices, and I am not sure yet how much resources that eats up. But I can look into optimizing in the future.

What I want, essentially, is a function that goes down the list in the celestial body and draws a circle, then moves down the list. Need also a way of differentiating between stars, planetary bodies and moons. For a first attempt, I go with

enum bodytype { star , planet , moon , asteroid field } // this would grow as needed
void drawSystem( CelestialBody * parent , bodytype body = star ) ;

The steps that I need to go through are draw the main body at the current location, then for each object in the list move to its position and call this function with the appropriate parameters. This should recursively build our entire system. Speaking of the position of each object, in OpenGL the three dimensions start off oriented so that the x axis increases to the right, the y axis increases toward the top of the screen, and the z axis increases towards the viewer. I'll be placing the plane of the system on the plane y = 0, so as things move away from the star they'll be towards the right, and we'll be looking at them from above. Of course, once I get some code to move the camera, the original orientation of the axis won't matter.

I am writing this as a stand alone function for now, but because of how intimately the function is tied to CelestialBody objects it should probably be a method of the class. Something to keep in mind going forwards.

After fixing a few silly mistakes, this is what we are left with:

Pretty sweet, huh? There's a little trouble with the moons running into the following planet, the orbits are too short. But it behaves mostly as expected.

That's a good place to leave for now. Next up, some camera controls.

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