Monday, November 14, 2011

Giving shape to the world

I finally have an interesting playground to experiment in, so it's about time I focused on what I wanted to do in the first place. The main drive behind this project was procedural content, making use of algorithms to populate the world with variety instead of a fixed number of precomputed models. I've already been doing that, in fact. The distribution of spheres in the demo, for example, and their size, is all deterministically decided by the program at run time.

All I do is decide how many spheres I want, what the range of sizes should be, and the volume of space to use. The program then fills the space. Because the starting conditions are always the same, the program always builds the same scene. I could easily create a different distribution by changing the seed or any of the parameters. I want to go further, though. Right now, all these spheres are kind of boring. And not very asteroid like. To change this, I'll deform the spheres to create more interesting shapes.

My initial plan is to assign each sphere a height map. I'll then use the height map to raise or lower away from the center of the sphere each vertex. One difficulty I expect is how to adjust the normals as the terrain is reshaped, but I'll figure something out. On the height map end, I'll use the simplex noise algorithms I've talked about before to give each asteroid a distinct look. By seeding each asteroid with a distinct value, I ensure they'll all be unique.

A sample of simplex noise

For the height map, I only need it to match one pixel to a vertex. This way I can send the value to the vertex shader as an attribute. I already created the spheres using a gridlike pattern, so I can use the uv coordinates of each pixel for this purpose. This does mean that there will be more detail near the poles that along the equator, but because my source is going to be a 3d density function it should not result in any obvious distortions. The output will go into a Vertex Buffer Object, which will be fed to the video card and called when drawing.

Normally, height maps add a height to points on a grid, which is level with either the XZ or XY planes, meaning Z or Y is treated as height, and that value is replaced with the value of the height map. However, I have a sphere. On a sphere, height is defined as the distance from the center. To apply the height map to a sphere, I have to work a bit more.

The values I have will fall between -1 and 1. If I do straight multiplication of the surface point by the value, I'd have a mess. Instead, what I do is decide what I want the range of heights to be. If I want the highest points to jut out three times the radius of the sphere, for example, and the deepest valleys to reach half way to the center of the sphere, that gives me a range of (3 - 0.5 ) = 2.5 radius. The half point (where the height map is 0) would be 1.25 radius, so I could get the position of every point as ( (1+height)*1.25 + 0.5) * position.

The other complex bit is recalculating the normals. By changing the shape of the sphere, the surface normals all change as well and that impacts the light on each point. If I don't get them right, the lighting will look decidedly odd.

That's getting ahead of me a bit. First I need to be sure I can produce the information and get it into the shader. I had to add an extra attribute to the Model class to do it, but after a few short tweaks I got it up and running. What I'm doing right now is using the height value of each point as a color value, with -1 being black and 1 being white. So higher areas will look brighter.

Looks nicer than blue with red and green dots.

It's working, and I'm pretty happy about that. I'm now struggling with an odd problem; when running the project from a pendrive it works, but copying the project to the hard drive and running it there doesn't. Fixing that is probably going to give me enough for another post itself.


  1. To get around the problem of having more detail at the poles you could consider using a mapping such as that discussed here:

    Essentially you warp a cube into a sphere shape, and the distribution of points around the sphere is relatively uniform.

  2. That would work for textures, and I'll probably get around to using it on bump maps. But what I'm planning to do is to deform the mesh itself in the vertex program. Because of how I'm building the meshes, vertices are clustered more closely at the poles. Cube maps won't help there.

    What I would need is to figure out how to construct a mesh that avoids this problem. Something like creating a mesh out of equilateral triangles of equal size. It would make indexing harder, but would probably fix the issue. Or I could increase the vertex count near the equator somehow.

    Something to consider later on. Thank you for the link. I'll add it to my resource folder. On happy news, I just fixed the bug I mentioned at the end of this post. It's a strange one.
